HAP Application 17th May, 2024

Welcome to Fingal County Council (HAP Scheme)

Please note that this application portal is for mainstream HAP only.
Homeless HAP applications should be made by contacting the homeless team at [email protected]

Before registering and applying please be aware of the following terms and conditions:

  1. To apply for HAP, you must be on your Local Authorities housing waiting list. You cannot proceed any further until you have your Housing Reference Number (preceded with an A/12345)
  2. If your household circumstances have changed since you applied for social housing support (e.g. number of people in your family, income, etc.) you must update these details with the Housing Support team prior to applying for HAP. They can be contacted at: [email protected]. If the change is important, this may mean that your local authority will need to reassess your housing application, your household means, you and any other people listed on your housing application.
  3. Your Hap application will only be processed if both Tenant and Landlord sections have been fully completed and you and your landlord have submitted ALL REQUIRED documents to the Council. If your form is incomplete, the form will not be processed and you will be notified.
  4. Completing the HAP application form is not a guarantee that the HAP payment will cover your full monthly rent. If you start your tenancy before your HAP application is approved, you will have to pay the rent until your HAP payments start. Rent paid by tenants to landlords is NOT REFUNDED by HAP.
  5. Please refer to our guide for current HAP rates.
  6. Your rights under the general Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) apply in full. These are clearly set out in Fingal County Council’s Privacy Statement for HAP applications. If you have any questions about your rights under GDPR you can contact Fingal County Council’s Data Protection Office on 01-8905000.

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Tips on how to complete this form

  1. Each section i.e. each tab must be completed. Decide if it is a single or joint application which can be set in the Application tab.
  2. If you cannot complete the form in a single sitting then just click Save for Later and return to the form by logging in at a later date
  3. On completion click Submit but please be aware that once submitted you will not be able to change any of the data unless it is queried by the administrator